we believe that gates don’t build communities. Tables do.
Our Nonprofit Mission:
To help you build community and fitness through ping pong. The challenge: You’ve probably seen entrenched barriers to social, healthy play at your offices, schools, and public places: cramped play areas, addictive devices, boring workout regimens, and sedentary workplaces to name a few. We’re here to help you smash those barriers with a fun, engaging activity for all ages and skill levels. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we love to collaborate with other organizations to help improve lives. Because fitness shouldn’t require a membership. Let’s bounce!
3 Benefits of Ping Pong:
1. Body
Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and sedentary workplaces are taking their toll on society. But we’re battling them all with ping pong. It can be enjoyed at all skill and fitness levels, ages, genders, geographies, religions, by vegans and omnivores.
2. mind
Ping pong has been called "chess at 80 MPH" because it requires rapid neural activity as you calculate ball speed, spin, and trajectory. It keeps your mind sharp and focused.
3. community
Human beings are a diverse lot, who sometimes struggle to get along. Ping pong is a naturally social sport, with the unique power to bond neighborhoods, co-workers, schoolmates, and entire communities.
Chess at 80 MPH
Table tennis involves "enhanced motor functions, enhanced strategy functions and enhanced long-term memory functions"
~ Dr. Wendy Suzuki, professor of neuroscience and psychology at New York University

3 Focus Areas:
1. Schools
Frustrated by outdated or nonexistent sports equipment for PE? Or programs that cater to just a few, intensely “athletic” types? We aim to provide free or discounted equipment and instruction to underserved school districts to help introduce the joy of pong to a new generation. It’s a welcoming sport for any size, skill level, or gender.
2. Workplaces
Looking for ways to provide a more stimulating, team-building atmosphere for employees? Sedentary workplaces, with workers seated 8+ hours per day, can lead to chronic health problems. A ping pong table in a separate area can provide a quick, healthy outlet for stressed out brains and bodies in the middle of a work day.
3. Senior Centers
The elderly commonly feel isolated from friends, family, and community. Many seniors can benefit from low impact (and some from high impact!) exercise that ping pong can provide. It's also a non-intimidating, social sport that provides a fun gathering spot. And studies from Japan suggest that table tennis helps ward off dementia by stimulating neural activity.
Interested in getting table tennis going in your area? Contact us!